It’s been a few weeks since I started this Adelaide dress from Seamwork Magazine, so I was really excited to get back into it. After the sudden loss of my beloved sewing machine, Rose, I was forced to find a new machine. A machine I would love, and that was in my budget. Keeping in mind that budget was about half a nickel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I settled on a Brother SE400, which I am calling Donna Noble. It’s not the Pfaff I wanted, but so far she’s been great! Hopefully embroidery will be coming soon.

When I actually got a chance to work on Adelaide, she came together surprisingly quickly. The back features double pointed darts, which are my absolute favorite, and the front features simple bust darts. The neckline and arm scythe are finished with packaged bias tape, and the hem is just a rolled hem. Instead of buttons, the pattern calls for snaps, which I find MUCH more satisfying. Hammer out those frustrations, you know?

I know I just said this pattern was easy, but it does have belt loops. Fuck belt loops, man. Using a loop turner is just beyond my grasp, my clumsy man hands will just not do it. Instead, I stitched some bias tape closed, lengthwise, and used that. It saved so much time! The pattern also features a belt, which is much easier to make. Speaking of the belt, I think I cinched mine way too tight in these pictures, it looks a bit weird, right? Oh and pockets, I added pockets.

I used a lovely but hard to find Cotton + Steel fabric for this, adorably called gnome pants. It’s a cotton lawn, which is about the most perfect fabric of all time. It sews beautifully, is lightweight and breathable, yet has some body. I would make my entire wardrobe out of cotton lawn if I could. That said, I don’t think this dress is the most flattering thing I’ve ever worn. I’m an hourglass shape, but I think it gives me a pear shape. I also think the arm sycthe lays weird, not sure what alteration I’d make to fit that? In these photos, I’m wearing a black cami underneath the dress, and which could be rolling up and adding weird bulk to the bottom. We’ll see upon further wearings.

All that aside, I did wear this dress all day, and it was super comfortable. I’m possibly just being too picky and weird about it. Anyway, it’s great to be back in front of a machine!! Happy sewing 🙂
That fabric is awesome! The Adelaide is in my long sewing queue – it always looks so cute on everyone that makes it, including you! Did you know they re-drafted the arm scythe? If you re-download the file, it will have the updated version. I guess so many people were complaining about the weird fit – good thing they listen to feedback!
Oh you know, now that you say that, I do remember getting something about that. Of course after I cut my fabric. I’ll have to make one with the new, updated arm scythe!
I like the belt loop “cheat”, great idea! Like the fabric too but I think it looks like nautical flags or something. Gnome pants? Really, huh.
Lol that loop turner thing is just not my friend, I’m not losing sleep over it! It does, I think they look like pennant or something.
You could unstitch your bias tape and put a dart in the arm scythe … kinda a quick fix. But totally not surprised you had cut your fabric THEN got the updated version email 😛 Either way, this is cute and I bet it would fit my pear shape well and it’s nursing friendly! Plus that fabric <3 <3 <3
Oh that’s true. I might do that, depending on how crazy this makes me! It is super cute, and def nursing friendly!
FYI- It’s armscye (pronounced “arm’s eye) and not arm scythe, which would be some scary arm/farming weapon hybrid!
Wish I had your hourglass bod.
Oh damn it, I knew that seemed weird! I’m sure look great
Your dress is fab, the fabric is lovely too, I like cotton lawn too, so easy to sew with and nice to wear.
Thank you! Cotton lawn is one of may favorites, after sateen. Though I have to say, I wore this dress and got caught in a downpour, not the best for that lol!