A Failure in Photography (Butterick 6582, kinda)

A Failure in Photography (Butterick 6582, kinda)

This is the best picture of the bunch, seriously.
This is the best picture of the bunch, seriously.

You’re going to see pictures from a variety of locations in this post, and that’s going to be confusing. I’m sorry about that, I really tried to get decent pictures. It just didn’t happen. I’m attempting to take blog photos without the aid of my friends, and clearly, there are still a few bugs to work out. Next week will be better, I promise! ANYWAY…

Tada!!! Awkward photography.
Tada!!! Awkward photography.

The dress is Butterick 6582, and the fabric is an absolutely lovely stretch sateen. I’ve had both in my stash for so long, I can’t remember where they came from or when they were purchased! The pattern calls for light weight fabrics, but I just can’t get on board with the drapey fabrics tight on my midriff. Never going to happen. Based on the reviews, I also lowered the neckline a bit, but I think I should have lowered it even more. With the print, I still think it looks a bit matronly, you know? Not exactly my aesthetic. This pattern also features lovely double pointed darts, which I think are also a bit lost in the print. It was a bad fabric choice, that’s what I’m trying to get at here. Never rush your sewing choices, folks.

Looking for the darts makes my eyes hurt.
Looking for the darts makes my eyes hurt.

For this pattern, I cut a size 12, which is pretty standard for me. I raised the hem about three inches, as I don’t think the longer, intended length is flattering on me. As mentioned, I lowered the neckline, and I must admit, it was a bit unsuccessful. You see, I made this dress for a work Christmas party, and I was rushing to meet the deadline. Again. I didn’t put enough time into getting it just the way I wanted. Between the botched neckline and the stiffer fabric, it has none of the intended drapey-ness. It’s a bummer.

Some pretty serious derps, but check out those shoes, though.
Some pretty serious derps, but check out those shoes, though.

The pattern is fairly easy to put together, as it’s only four pieces plus facings. This was first time sewing double pointed pleats, and I love them. They’re so flattering, even if you can’t tell in any of this pictures!

II swear, I actually do have a neck. Stupid hair+shadows.
I swear, I actually do have a neck. Stupid hair+shadows.

While I doubt I’ll sew this pattern again as is, I would consider doing it in a different fabric, perhaps with a boat neck? Who knows. I’ve got some exciting stuff coming up, so please don’t get board with me based on the quality of this post! Happy sewing 🙂

2 thoughts on “A Failure in Photography (Butterick 6582, kinda)

  1. I know you said boat neck in your post but can I guide you against that? It looks like you have wide shoulders and a boat neck will make your shoulders look even wider! I wish you luck getting photos without a photographer. I’m thankful to have my kids that have no choice but to do what I say. 😉

    1. Oh I think that’s just these terrible, terrible photos. I’ve worn boat neck things in the past with no problems, and I sometimes have to take the shoulders in on garments. Thanks!!! I have to master the tripod lol.

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