The Belated Sewalong Dress (McCall’s 6696)

The Belated Sewalong Dress (McCall’s 6696)

Albus photo bombs.
Albus photo bombs.

Recently, McCall’s announced a shirtdress sewalong, and I immediately jumped on board. I’d been planning to make the full skirt version of this dress for awhile, in a vintage repro fabric I had laying around, so it seemed like perfect timing. NOPE. My machine ate shit and it took me two months to finish the dress. Oops.

Why am I doing that with my neck?
Why am I doing that with my neck?

I was really excited to use this fabric, I love the retro, almost-curtains print. Plus, it’s 100% cotton, so sewing it would be a breeze!! While it did press beautifully, wear from ironing and pre-washing began to show pretty much immediately. The gold doesn’t hold up, perhaps there’s some trick to pressing fabric with metallic print, that I don’t know about? If there is, let a girl know!!! I hate to damage beautiful fabric.

Needs to tuck in more at the waist, ya know? Also, wrinkles, I know. Shut up.

I kinda think this project was doomed from the beginning, really. First the machine dies, then I cut my skirt fabric upside down. After correcting that mistake, I barely had enough fabric to finish cutting. While doing this pattern puzzle, I of course jammed my hand down in the pin dish. Smart, right? Some days are just not sewing days, and I should stop trying to force it. Oh well…

Sometimes, I try to brighten photos and they just look weird. Like this one.

I cut this pattern at a size 14 (view A minus the carriers), last time I cut a 12 and it was WAY too tight. At a 14, it’s too big. Next time I’ll do some grading and actually make a muslin like a normal person. Weirdly, last time the armscye fit well, but I don’t like the way this one fits at all. I think it needs to come in a bit on the top, yes? The only other change I made was to take out a bit of the gathering in the back. For some reason, and I’m not alone in this, I find the back to be super fucking poofy. Even now, with so much taken out, I still think it’s too poofy. Oh, and this collar is far from my best sewing. Not an alteration, but still worth mentioning.


Despite it’s flaws, I still dig the 50’s housewife look of this dress. It definitely has enough ease for sitting and eating man sized meals, so silver lining. The skirt was also full and long enough for me to sit crossed legged and not flash anyone, as you’ll see in this next photo. Great pattern, bad sewing! I’ll leave you with this adorable doggie picture, happy sewing 🙂

This is Minerva, one of my nursing puppy momma fosters. Don't judge her bod, she's feeding lots of pups!
This is Minerva, one of my nursing puppy momma fosters. Don’t judge her bod, she’s feeding lots of pups!
Never Ending Summer (McCall’s 6696)

Never Ending Summer (McCall’s 6696)

This post features extra bad posing
This post features extra bad posing

We’re in week two! I’ve changed my mind a few times on some of my projects for this sewalong, but this week was always going to be the McCall’s shirtdress. I’ve read about it on so many blogs, so many people are in love with it…and I just feel “enh” about it.

I’m trying to copy that shrugging guy people are always typing.

I had always intended to make this dress in this fabric. I love this print, but the colors just aren’t really me. But hey, shirt dress, seems appropriate, yes? That bit turned out well, at least. I should have given more thought to doing stripe matching with pleats on the bottom and darts on the top. Whoops. On the cutting table, I realized that I’d have to do view C, the more fitted skirt. Not my favorite look, but the darts (and print) lined up perfectly. Worth it. When it comes to the back…stripe matching with pleats and gathers, not so much. And that yoke…I don’t know what happened there. But…rtw clothes have terrible print matching, right? It’s totally not even that noticeable?? Right? RIGHT!?!?

I know I know, stop slouching.
I know I know, stop slouching.

While we’re talking about gathers…I feel like this dress needs more. In hindsight, I do remember another sewing blogger saying that she added more to her version. Look, I know what you’re thinking here. “But Ashley, didn’t you make a muslin??” No, no I did not. This fabric was purchased about two years ago (yay for de-stashing), for about $4 a yard. With fashion fabric that cheap, this basically is the wearable muslin.

Way too poofy.
Way too poofy.

Another fun thing was when I managed to lose my buttonhole foot before making a shirt dress. Real smooth. Luckily enough, I had just purchased some crazy cheap pearl snaps. Being honest…the first few snaps didn’t come out so great. After a few and some wine, I’m pretty proud of my work. The neighbors probably didn’t enjoy the 9pm hammering, though.

Ohhhhhh shiny snaps!
Ohhhhhh shiny snaps!

For the collar, I followed Grainline’s collar sewing method. Easy peasy. With the yoke, I used the burrito method, my favorite yoke sewing method. I’m tellin ya, you’ve never seen a more beautifully finished yoke. Burrito method, almost impossible to fuck up but looks so professional. The rest of the sewing is fairly straightforward. I cut a 10, but really should have done a 12. It’s a bit too snug for my liking, but I’d also like to lose this 10 pounds I found somewhere, so…yeah. I used self made bias tape on the arms, and also did a small dart on each, to get them to lay a bit flatter.

Self made bias 4eva

I also somehow lost the pocket pattern pieces, so mine are self drafted. I totally intended to get pictures of said pockets and details, up close. I forgot, again. I am the worst at details and I apologize. I promise to improve, eventually. All and all, I like this pattern. I will for sure be making an improved version of this soon. Happy sewing! 🙂