You know the deal by now. It’s selfie time!

Unfortunately, on day one I attended a funeral. I have no witty or funny commentary about this, wore my Simplicity peplum top.

Day two and Monday is back. I know it’s cliché to complain about Monday’s, but honestly, they are such a fucking bummer. I wore my first By Hand London Kim dress, because it was actually not freezing that day. Ohio is not doing me any favors, weather wise.

On day three I wore a Sewaholic Saltspring dress because it’s seriously comfortable and seriously spring-y. Also looked 12 years old, apparently. Angles are weird.

For day four I wore one of my favorite makes, McCall’s 6696. It’s got it’s problems (the back is too poofy, that button placket drives me bonkers), but it’s well sewn. It’s also my first attempt at stripe matching and I don’t think I did too horribly.

Day five and I wore a comfy knit anchor print dress. I don’t wear a ton of knits, but I love this dress. That fabric is the best knit fabric I’ve ever used. Maybe it’s too much red with the cardigan and the lipstick, but I just don’t care.

Day six was a bit of a sneak peek. I wore an unblogged Gertie pencil skirt, which I swear I’ll post about soon. I have two more waiting to bed worn!

It was fucking freezing on day seven. I had planned to wear a tank, but Ohio wasn’t having it. So I wore another Sewaholic Granville out to drinks. This weather is bullshit.
How are you doing with Me-Made-May? I’m starting to realize I’ve made way more items than I thought!